Recycling Narratives Group Exhibition
“Recycling Narratives” is a proposed exhibition supporting 17 international artists. It is exploring the concept of reusing and re purposing personal stories in creative ways. The show features a variety of works that use visual narrative elements from different sources to create new stories and meanings. It will consist of works in different mediums, such as painting, sculpture, video, and mixed media installations. Each piece will be accompanied by a written explanation of how the artist has recycled narratives in their work. The show will be curated around the idea of using existing personal narratives as a jumping-off point to create something new. It will feature artists who have taken familiar stories, experiences, and reflections and have given them a contemporary twist. “Recycling Narratives” invites visitors to consider the ways in which they can repurpose their own stories and find new meaning in familiar narratives.
The manifesto of the exhibition is as follows, “Combining what is an amalgamation of diverse thoughts and ideas, we as Artists, want to represent inclusiveness. By going rogue within the parameters of the patriarchal dimensions of the art worlds exclusiveness. Striving to work together regardless of traditional, economic, sociological, and conditioning beliefs. Motivated not monetarily nor entrenched in discourse with one another but rather to inspire each of us, embracing our individual traditions, values, and beliefs to celebrate our diversity by sharing and encouraging discovery, ultimately allowing a revolutionary creation to evolve.” The initiative is about bringing the importance back to the artist, and their work, and to give full credit to those that created the piece. Because lets face it, the world as we know it in the creative industry has gone well beyond its ethical standard in terms of what’s fair and what’s right, and its up to us as Artists to protect that genuine, authentic, free spirited charisma that is what led us to become artists in the first place.
The journey behind the image that sparked the exhibition’s brand unfolded through the concept of Recycling Narratives. This initiative focused on the act of releasing personal stories to transform them into visual abstractions. The significance of the letters was interwoven, culminating in a unified visual representation within a single space.

This served as an illustration of the curatorial layout presented in a multi-page PDF format. We opted for a digital version to facilitate sharing with the numerous artists involved in this exhibition, which contributed to a more efficient setup process.

Curator/Book/Content Design and Art Director: Julia Oram
Instagram/Poster Design: Mona Schüler
Floor Plan Sheet Design: Kevin Driscoll
Floor Plan PDF: Lucie Eon
Event Photographer: Leander RP